Friday, December 6, 2019


The amount of block xp given for a timed block with a shield is also adjustable. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. The player loads the game. The effectiveness of sneaking at level 0. Base chance of recovering arrows, before perks. I've been focused on the coding, so it's going to save me so much time to have a quick checklist of things to include in the release, than to have to research and look things up myself. I get so many questions about compatibility, I hope I can build SkyTweak up to the point that people can just trust it. skytweak

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Speed bonus provided to followers when they are far away from the player. Derp, OnConfigClose event is unique for each menu.


The number on the slider indicates the multiplier at level of the given skill. No Memes This is a sub centered around the discussion of modding and creating mods. Other modding chat rooms.

Become a Redditor and join one of thousands of communities. Your pickpocket chance cannot increase above or drop below these amounts. I am confused if I should get rid of VioLens too but I'm not sure. Posted 30 April - If so, I'm curious to know what they are.

These are tagged as Stacker settings. Level you are reset to after a legendary reset. This is not debatable. This option makes bleed damage fairly useless when the player is high level. I'm not sure how exactly sure how priority is determined for scripts. The minimum possible price mult for buying things and the maximum possible for selling. Not that I have an issue with it as it is, but a lot of people do.

Or if they were using SkyTweak to adjust certain settings and later installed another mod that also changed those settings This isn't the same as the default values, mind, as people will want mods.

SkyTweak for SE? : skyrimmods

I wonder if there would be any value to putting a tiny delay in the script where SkyTweak runs OnPlayerLoadGame, as a way of ensuring that other scripts are making their changes first? And it will be one hell of a script load time every time you load the game. The maximum percent damage resistance possible from each possible source of damage reduction. I get so many questions about compatibility, I hope I can build SkyTweak up to the point that people can just trust it. I left them as loose files and deleted the bsa file.


Multipliers for the importance of sound in detection with and without line of sight. So it won't work.

SkyTweak and other tools

Percent health an AI needs to reach before it considers retreat. How closely a follower will try to follow you.


This option adjusts items so that even slow weapons and heavy armor can stay sskytweak at high smithing levels. Naturally these sliders sktyweak affect the player.

Because if SkyTweak doesn't detect it, the next time the player loads the save, it might load with the wrong setting. That's as far as my testing goes so far.

Log In Sign Up. The amount of time NPC's will spend searching for someone sneaking, depending on whether or not the NPC's were attacked.

[REL] SkyTweak : V - Skyrim

I've forgotten my password. The angle of the field of view cone, in degrees, that actors have when detecting. If you promote piracy or seek help in modding a pirated game you will be banned.

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