Friday, November 29, 2019


You don't have brain. Why all this round? When should this marriage be started? You just order, we will do it immediately. You are like tower. We gave devudayya the money and had this shop. My brothers will see the education expenses. minedas tegul

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One soap is not enough, you need to go to soap factory.

minedas tegul

You say that you won't come for the second show on Shivarathri. We didn't do it. You said you have all the marriage copy rights with your brothers. He is steps Tappanguthi. Satruvu, listen to me atleast now. You stay in my sister's room. She can solve mineas problem.

You have made fool of that girl. No need keep it like that. That is the way to go. Thank you, i cannot forget your help in this millinium lf i forget, baby please remember me.

Ahmedabad: Court summons city crime branch chief J K Bhatt for extortion

Why do you ask its details? When should this marriage be started? This is not cabire to raise the cloth. To produce heat in his body is not so good. Here men are anger than that. Please give a turning to your face. Don't speak bad of him before me. Wrong is with us, why do you shout on him? She might have seen then. What will you do if you see that satruvu inside.

minedas tegul

Before telling this much! They are calling us. Now you have started that also. He was abducted from Drive-in Road and taken to the crime branch headquarters at Gaekwad Haveli on June 16, stated the complaint.

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We showed a way to live and she wanted to die. Think about her also. Only pouring into mouth is in our hands. But in these 15 years you got 30 shops, 40 lorrys and 4 factories.

Sorry, No problem Take them to Das. Devudayya is the enemy for all lives. Don't be proud for a little gain of money.

Please go away from here. How did you get?

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