Thursday, November 28, 2019


Unless an alternative value is approved by the employer [see 4. The analysis should record the proportions of the following elements: NOTE There might be several reasons why Class B cannot be practically achieved when employing established pipeline radiographic inspection techniques. A traverse should be made across the weld zone as shown in Figure B. Post-weld heat treatment shall be applied by gas-fired muffle furnaces or electric methods of heating that have been approved by procedure test. The requirements for sub-size specimens shall be reduced pro rata with their dimensions. Means of measuring current shall be available, either as part of the welding plant or by the provision of a portable ammeter.

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In the case of mechanized and semi-automatic welding, means shall be provided for measuring the arc voltage, since this can exert considerable influence on the form, composition and soundness e.

For compliance with this standard, both the definitive requirements and the documented items have to be satisfied. Diver-welders for hyperbaric wet welding. When air-arc gouging is used for full thickness repairs, the last 3 mm of the weld shall be removed by mechanical means, for example grinding.

Deeper excavations leading to oxidation of the root upon re-welding and full penetration repairs, when permitted by the employer [see 4. Arc-air gouging may only be used to remove carbon steel weld metals to within 3 mm of CRA material. NOTE Stresses imposed by construction techniques existing at the time of making a repair, e. Technical requirements for steel structures. NOTE Guidance for establishing preheating temperatures to avoid hydrogen cracking is given in Annex E, but this might not be the temperature needed to meet the requirements specified in Clause 8.

Electrodes, filler wires and fluxes that show signs of damage or deterioration, for example coating breakage, shall not be used. Preheating should be applied in accordance with the approved procedure.

The indentations shall be as shown in Figure 2. NOTE 3 When welding pipe grade L, it is recommended that if cellulosic coated electrodes are used they are restricted to the root and hot pass only.

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Two of the fracture specimens shall be taken from those locations shown to have the greatest and least root gap. Traverse line to be parallel to first traverse line and to pass through centre of heat-affected zone at the root. Preheating shall be applied by gas or electrical means in the manner used in the procedure qualification such that the equipment used maintains an even temperature distribution, does not interfere with the welding operation, and is approved by the employer relative to the particular application [see also 4.

A copy of the welding procedure specification should accompany this record BS Bx Hardness indentations 3, 6, 10 and 12 should be entirely within the heat-affected 45152 and located as close as possible to the fusion boundary. Welds connecting reinforcements shall be butt welds or fillet welds or a combination of these types, made in accordance with the appropriate welding procedure. This website is best viewed with browser version of up to Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or Firefox 3.

List of welding codes - Wikipedia

When separate heating sources are used, thermocouples shall be placed so as to record the temperatures from each source. Bevelling of pipe ends including removal of some seal weld material may be undertaken provided that the gap BS Visually detectable flaws shall be assessed in accordance with Cracks g Not permitted.

Welding - General tolerances for welded constructions - Dimensions for lengths and angles - Shape and position. For compliance with this standard, both the definitive requirements and the documented items have to be satisfied. Grinding disks, wire wheels, brushes and other hand tools should be suitable for stainless work, should be dedicated for use on the CRA layer and should not have been previously used on carbon steel.

Unless specified by the employer [see 4. When air-arc gouging or thermal cutting are used, preheating shall be applied as necessary. If any of the following additional changes occur, the welder using the new procedure should be re-qualified: Re-repairs and single run repairs shall require qualification and approval.

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Gases shall only be mixed in the field if this is an integral part of a mechanized process which utilizes a fail-safe cut-off when the proportions fall outside those specified in the approved welding procedure. A written procedure shall be submitted to the employer for approval [see 4.

Information on standards BSI provides a wide range of information on national, European and international standards through its Library. Fillet welds shall be not less than the specified dimensions, regular in form and without undercut see Table entry for cap undercut.

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